The GPWG at INQUA 2019

The GPWG at INQUA 2019

The GPWG2 is looking forward to the !

Our session “A new age of Paleofire research: Insights from the past and challenges for the future” is on Friday July 26th – program here.

Don’t forget our poster session too!

We also organize one of the INQUA ECR’s workshops: Paleofire: methods, applications and future developments in Quaternary Studies
on Monday, July 29th.  This workshop welcomes students interested in developing new charcoal series and learning about the Global Charcoal Database (session 1: knowledge transfer), and more experienced researchers interested in contributing to future GPWG initiatives (session 2: future developments). Key-note talks will introduce current approaches for data collection, data analysis and interpretation, numerical techniques to assess the spatio-temporal variability of fire (including the last updated version of the R-package), and strategies for community outreach (Diverse- Knowledges approach).

  • How can I get new data? Mitchell J. Power (University of Utah)
  •  How do I analyse my data? Olivier Blarquez (University of Montreal)
  • Interpreting my data part 1: fire and human impact Donna Hawthorne (University of St Andrews)
  • Interpreting my data part 2: fire and climate Anne-Laure Daniau (University of Bordeaux)
  • How can my data be used in models? Jennifer Marlon (Yale University)
  • How can my data be used for Landscape Conservation? Daniele Colombaroli (RHUL)
  • How do I contribute to the Global Charcoal Database? Boris Vannière (CNRS, Besançon)

Full Program here – you’re welcome to join!