IPN online Paleofire Seminar Series launch

IPN will host a quasi-monthly online seminar series to foster knowledge exchange and promote discussion across worldwide paleofire communities. This seminar series will offer a discussion forum and focus on paleofire methods, new directions, and applied research spanning many spatial and temporal scales.

On 6th May 2021 at 9 pm CEST (19:00 UTC), the seminar series will start with a presentation on

The past and future of peak detection in paleofire research by Philip Higuera, Associate Professor at the W.A. Francke Colleage on Forest and Conservation, University of Montana.

Anyone interested is welcome! ECRs are especially encouraged to attend and learn from established and emerging leaders in the field. Please login to the IPN forum (see announcements/IPN seminars) to learn how to join the webex seminar and for further information.

Stay tuned for upcoming seminars by

Allison Karp, Advances in interpreting polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) as a paleofire proxy, 24th June 2021

Emma Rehn, A multi-proxy approach to palaeofire in Australian tropical savannas, July 2021